Mr. W.B. Gestalt was a true character. He was a simple man — in tastes, not intellect — and a true storyteller. He was a real natural that never missed the chance to hone his craft. It never mattered if it was fact or fantasy, his ability to draw in an audience was unparalleled. A world-class raconteur. Although he found that word pretentious. Prone to entertaining the patrons of pubs, his stories could be heard nightly. By choice at first, but before he knew it everyone in the place would insist on just one more tale. He once had to go door-to-door apologizing to the husbands, and the occasional wife, for keeping their spouses out so late the night before. It really wasn’t his fault, but apologize, he did.
We, the Partners, are no slouches when it comes to weaving a narrative. Quick thinking and sure of our thoughts, throwing out tale turning ideas is second nature. Real professionals in the world of capturing an audience. Several years ago, while in a pub one evening, Mr. Gestalt started his first story . It was when he paused to sip his drink, we seized the opportunity to pick up the oration. Perturbed at first, Mr. Gestalt indulged, and the verbose and magical ride began. The story moved between us, the Partners, and Mr. Gestalt with zero hesitation. The patrons of the pub couldn’t believe what they were listening to; possibly the best story ever told. But who remembers the details?
One day, not long ago, Mr. Gestalt inquired about our occupations. Well, we detailed our years of experience working on stories for the biggest brands, at the reputable agencies. Mr. Gestalt immediately identified. He was about to take brand storytelling to new places with a new business, and spontaneously asked us to join him. Only imbeciles would decline.
So here we are, the proprietors of a world-class brand storytelling studio. But not without a tragedy. Mr. W.B. Gestalt died as the ink on the deal dried. All things happen as they must and Gestalt + Partners, Limited will press on. We think W.B. would have wanted it this way.
Here’s what he had to say about us, his partners:
“The Partners were the most unique team of contemporary taletellers a brand could get. You needed nothing more than a mediocre phrase, premise or picture and they would stretch and contort it into pure genius. However, they were, without a doubt lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua genuine creatives.
With that said, I had absolute faith in their ability to tell the story of even the most underwhelming brand in a manner that would captivate an audience. They were lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor and ultimately found the insights that could connect to the right people. I will truly miss them and can envision no better collaborators.”
We don’t know why W.B. wrote our obituary, but we mostly appreciate his remarks. He will be remembered. We the Partners will move forward and craft brand stories that delight. Just like Mr. W.B. Gestalt wanted to do himself. And that’s our story.