Give us a strategy, premise, fact, even a half-thought and we will craft content of the finest quality. A lot of content if you like. Content so concise and perfect for your brand you’ll have thought it already exists. That is what we do – concept, write, design, shoot, assemble and deliver. We make what needs to be made. What’s smart. We aren’t bound to medium or channel. If it’s the right work for the right place, we want to make it – spots, social, longform, even episodic. We can work with all brands and budgets. Our careers were built working with some of the most demanding imaginable.

Concepting and crafting the stories to be told.

If you want to see a sample of the work that left them delighted, here’s your chance:

We love the idea.

We Love The Idea

There’s nothing better than a great idea. It can change everything. Strong ideas are at the heart of great brand storytelling. The problem with the idea is it’s just the beginning. For an idea to be real it has to be achievable. So, in truth, we love the idea that can be a reality. We love the idea that works creatively, logistically and can be accomplished on budget.

We know a balance between strategy, creative and production is a must. It’s the most efficient way to tell your brand’s story. That’s why we let a lot of ideas go, because they can’t be effectively realized within the constraints of the project. A simple, well told story communicating the right message will delight no matter how big the production. That’s why we only propose ideas that can be crafted within your budget.

A simple well told story.
Media consumption is voracious.

Feed Them

Media consumption is voracious. We all know that. The only recourse a brand has is to comply and supply the masses with a compelling story — repeatedly. When we start developing creative we look for ways to version and create additional raw assets to craft and re-craft into as much content as possible. We want to ensure you are never lacking and can address new opportunities quickly. Our approach scales creative and production to provide you with long term value, flexibility and potential in your brand storytelling. Then, we adapt your story for each channel and target, making sure the message fits both.

A Path Forward

We’re happy to do a single project of a singular video. It’s a great way to begin a collaboration. But we know you need a long lasting reliable partner to help you achieve your goals. We also know the best work builds on the past with a collaboration that shares an understanding of the future. We want to ensure you can adapt to the ever-changing realities of your market. Engagement is not a singular event. It is continuous and requires consistency in brand storytelling.

Engagement is not a singular event.


We are deliberate in our antics. We begin by saying nothing. Not to be off-putting. We listen to the people that know the brand the best – you. We learn about where the brand is headed and who you need to engage. After hearing all there is to hear, we begin concepting and crafting the tales to be told. Collaboratively picking the best channels for the stories. With the right ideas in place, production begins and delivery is on the way. We don’t over-complicate the process. We keep the work smart, on budget and on time. And we will even let you know when there are new opportunities to seize.


Since people always want more, we need to constantly assess our efforts and look for opportunities to create content that expands your brand’s story and strengthens engagement. During creative development and production we enable quickly versioning and revising to continue engagement. We develop additional concepts based on the existing assets and augment those assets with incremental production efforts. As we invest in more creative and production we develop a rapidly growing library of raw assets and a vast array of possibilities. We call our approach Exponential Content.

Here are some examples of Exponential Content:

TARGETING Based On Location



These are only a few of the possibilities for Exponential Content. The options for creating Exponential Content for your brand are defined by the relevant data that defines your target. These projects are best realized by working with existing media plans or collaborating on a new plan with your media team. It is adaptive, and by design, constantly evolving to ensure meaningful communication with your customers. It is sustainable brand storytelling.

We’d be happy to tell you more about exponential content and our process.

We’d love to tell you more.

We’d also love to know who we’re talking to. We’re sure you understand.

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Collaboration is pivotal in crafting enduring content. It begins with learning more about your strategy and goals, and expand your storytelling.  We look forward to establishing a relationship to help you achieve your brand’s goals through great storytelling.

Collaboration is pivotal in crafting enduring content


Connect with Gestalt + Partners, Limited today.

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